1770 - 1832
The Lady's Magazine, Volume 1 (London, 1770). The Lady's Magazine ran from 1770-1832
The Lady's Magazine, Volume 1 (London, 1770). The Lady's Magazine ran from 1770-1832
The Economy of Beauty in a Series of Fables Addressed to the Ladies (London, 1772)
A Mother’s Gift: or, A Present for all Little Children who are Good (London, 1775)
Nymphomania, or, a Dissertation Concerning the Furor Uterinus Clearly and Methodically Explaining the Beginning Progress, and Different Causes of that Horrible Distemper (London, 1775)
Onania Or, The Heinous Sin of Self-Pollution, and all its Frightful Consequences (in both Sexes) Considered (London, 1776)
Cookery and Medical Receipts from the University of Hull, 1777-1813
A Mother's Advice to her Children (Dublin, 1778)
The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Marriage-State as Entered into with Religious or Irreligious Persons; Represented under the Similitude of a Dream (Dublin, 1778)
Harlequin's Metamorphoses, by E. Tringham (London, 1780)
Liberal Education Or, A Practical Treatise on the Methods of Enquiring Useful and Polite Learning (London, 1781)
Marriage and its Vows Defended by a Female Christian but no Methodist: a poem (London, 1781)
The Journal of Elizabeth, 3rd Wife of the First Baron Dinsdale on a Journey to Russia in the Year 1781
Il Convito Amorose Or, a Serio-comico-philisophical Lecture, on the Causes, Nature, and Effects of Love and Beauty. Third Edition (London, 1782)
The New Spectator, issues 1-25, 1784-1786
A Guide to Health; Beauty, Riches, and Honour (London, 1785)
The Diary of Mary, 2nd wife of Reginald Heber, 1786
The Diary of Penelope Maitland, 1787-1794
The Oeconomy of Charity; or, An Address to Ladies Concerning Sunday Schools. By Mrs Trimmer (London, 1787)
Thoughts on the Education of Daughters; With Reflections on Female Conduct in the More Important Duties of Life, by Mary Wollstonecraft (London, 1787)
Parental Monitor, by Mrs Bonhote. 3rd Edition (London, 1796). First published in 1788.
The Lady's Magazine, Volume 20 (London, 1789). The Lady's Magazine ran from 1770-1832
Advice to Unmarried Women: To recover and Reclaim the Fallen; and Prevent the Fall of Others, into the Snares and Consequences of Seduction (London, 1791)
Man Midwifery Dissected (London, 1793)
The Female Mentor; Or Select Conversations, Vol. 1 (London, 1793)
The Lady’s Miscellany; or Pleasing Essays, Poems, Stories and Examples for the Instruction and Entertainment of the Female Sex in General, in every Station of Life, by George Wright (London, 1793)
Parlour Window, Containing Original Essays, Poetry and Part of an Instructive Tale, by Mrs Eustace and her Sister (Dublin, 1795)
The Diary of Penelope Maitland, 1795-1800
Rudolph Ackermann opens print shop in the Strand
The Way to be Rich and Respectable, Addressed to Men of Small Fortune by the Rev. Dr.Trusler. Seventh Edition (London, 1796)
First top hat worn in England
Anatomia Britannica A System of Anatomy. Comprising the Whole of Albinus's Tables, with Selections from Cowper, and other Eminent Anatomists; Illustrated by One Hundred and Nine Copper Plates, from the Most Celebrated Authors in Europe. In Three Parts . By Andrew Bell (Edinburgh, 1798)
The Female Aegis; or, The Duties of Women from Childhood to Old Age and in most Situations of Life, Exemplified (London, 1798)
Counsel to Friends' Children, by Anthony Purver (London, 1799)
Strictures on the Modern System of Female Education (London, 1799)
The Flights of a Lady-Bird; or, the History of the Winged Rambler (London, 1799)
The Lady’s Monthly Museum, or Polite Repository of Amusement and Instruction: Being an assemblage of whatever can tend to please the fancy, interest the mind, or exalt the character of the British Fair. By a Society of Ladies. Vols. 2 & 3, 1799. The Lady’s Monthly Museum was published between 1798-1828
A Guide to Health Or, Advice to Both Sexes. By S. Solomon. Fifty Second Edition (London, 1800)
The Pleasing History of Prince Almanzor, and the Beautiful Shepherdess (Coventry)
A Father’s Legacy to his Daughters, by Dr. John Gregory (Ludlow, 1801)
The Lady’s Magazine, Volume 32 or Entertaining Companion for the Fair Sex Appropriated Solely to their Use and Amusement (London, 1801). The Lady’s Magazine ran from 1770-1832
First Census reveals that women outnumber men
Essays on the Art of Being Happy, Addressed to a young Mother, by Eugenia de Acton (London, 1803)
Histoire Naturelle de la Femme (Paris, 1803)
Methodist conference bans women from preaching
An Analysis of Experiment in Education Made at Egmore, near Madras. Third Edition (London, 1807) First Published,1797
The Female Instructor; Or, A Young Woman's Companion (Liverpool, 1811)
Boxiana; or Sketches of Ancient and Modern Pugilism (1812-1824);
Cookery and Medical Receipts from the University of Hull, 1816
On the Generative System Being an Anatomical and Physiological Sketch of the Parts of Generation, and a Treatise on their Diseases. Fourth Edition (London, 1817)
Engravings of the Skeleton of the Human Body (Edinburgh, 1818)
Advice to the Teens; or, Practical Helps towards the Formation of One's own Character, by Isaac Taylor, Minister of the Gospel. Second Edition (London, 1818)
An Essay on Politeness in which the necessity and benefits of being polite, are clearly proved from reason, religion, and philosophy, by John Harris. 3rd Edition (London 1820). First published in 1774.
The Lady's Magazine, Improved Series, Volume 1 (London, 1820). The Lady's Magazine ran from 1770-1832
The Lady's Magazine, New Series, Volume 1 (London, 1820). The Lady's Magazine ran from 1770-1832
A Mother's Portrait: Sketched Soon After her Decease. For the Study of her Children, by their surviving parent (London, 1823)
John Stuart Mill is jailed for distributing pamphlets on birth control
Female Friendship; A tale for Sundays, by the author of the School for Sisters (London, 1824)
Rapports du Physique et du Moral de l'Homme (Paris, 1824)
The Vagrancy Act allowed police to arrest street entertainers
Domestic Economy, and Cookery, for Rich and Poor; by a lady (London, 1827)
Suttee abolished in British India
Narrative of a Journey Overland from England to India (London, 1830)
Godey’s Lady’s Book first published in the United States
Advice to Young Mothers on the Physical Education of Children By a Grandmother (Florence, 1835)
Madame Tussauds waxworks opens in The Bazaar, Baker Street, London
A Guide for the Sick Chamber Consisting of Prayers, Hymns and Portions of Scripture. Selected and Arranged by a Lady (Edinburgh, 1837)
Etiquette for the Ladies. Eighty Maxims on Dress, Manners, and Accomplishments 4th Edition (London, 1837)
Etiquette for Gentlemen, with hints on the Art of Conversation, 2nd Edition, (London, 1838)
Female Excellence, or Hints to Daughters, by a mother for their use from the Time of Leaving School till their Settlement in Life (London, 1838)
How to Observe; Morals and Manners (London, 1838)
Every Woman's Book Or, Female's Physician. A Cheap and Most Valuable Work for the use of Females, in Preserving their Health at all Periods of Life (London, 1839)
Prostitution in London With a Comparative View of that of Paris and New York (London, 1839)
The Mother the Best Governess A Practical System for the Education of Young Ladies (London, 1839)
Women of England, and their Social Duties and Domestic Habits 3rd Edition (London, 1839)
Child Custody Act
Rules for the Behaviour of Children with the Reasons for Them (Birmingham, 1840)
Judge upholds a man's right to lock up his wife and beat her in moderation
Death of Beau Brummell
Grammar Schools Act, which expands the Grammar School curriculum from classical studies to include science and literature
First Edition of the British Medical Journal
Domestic Life; or, Hints for Daily Use (London, 1841)
The Wife and Mother; or, Hints to Married Daughters, by a Mother (London, 1841)
Cheltenham Ladies College founded
The Ladies' Work-Table Book, containing clear and practical instructions in plain and fancy needle-work, embroidery, knitting, netting, crochet, tatting &c., &c. Second Edition (London, 1844)
Factory Act restricts the working day for women and children between 13 and 18 to 10 hours
Ashley’s Mines Act
The Ladies' Hand-book of the Toilet: a manual of elegance and fashion (London, 1843)
The Ladies' Hand-book of Haberdashery and Hosiery. A Shopping Manual (London, 1844)
The Journals of Annie Lambert, 1845-1846
The Ladies' Book of Fashion, (London, 1845)
A Hand Book for Bathers Or Hints on the Various Kinds of Baths (London, 1846)
The Etiquette of Love, Courtship and Marriage (London, 1847)
The Marriage Offering; or A Series of Letters Addressed to a Young Married Lady; Embodying Hints on the Performance of Household Duties, and on the Management of Children, by a Widow (Rotherham, 1847)
Chloroform first used in childbirth
Queen's College, London, the first institution in the world to award academic qualifications to women, is established
Women's Rights Association founded in United States
Household Education (London, 1849)
Ladies' Needlework Penny Magazine (London, Hastings, 1849)
Bedford College for Women, founded in London
The Boy's Book of Sports and Games. Containing Rules and Directions for the Practice of the Principal Recreative Amusements of Youth. By Uncle Charles (London, 1850)
The Domestic Economist and Advisor in Every Branch of the Family Establishment, (London, 1850)
Bowler Hat designed